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                Company news

                COMPANY NEWS
                Strategic cooperation helps the company take off
                作者:admin 发布时间:2021-07-09 阅读次数:52
                Shanghai Tianhao Industrial Co., Ltd. has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shaanxi Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd. in Xi 'an on July 1, 2021.

                Industry information

                Industry information
                Shanghai Metro Line 18 phase II project, Changjiang West Road station to Jiangyang South Road station section of the downbound line shield smooth start
                作者:admin 发布时间:2023-05-10 阅读次数:1
                Recently, with the slow start of China Railway No. 203 shield tunneling machine cutter, Shanghai Rail Line 18 Phase II project civil construction 1 standard section of Yangtze West Road station - Jiangyang South Road station shield tunneling started smoothly.

                Latest announcement

                the latest announcement
                Seamless connection with Shanghai Line 11! Suzhou Rail Transit Line 11 will be put into operation soon
                作者:admin 发布时间:2023-05-24 阅读次数:0
                Suzhou's metro Line 11, which is seamlessly connected to Shanghai's Line 11, has entered the 20-day "map running" phase since May 1, according to the city. At present, everything is normal in the trial operation of train running chart of Line 11, and all indexes meet the standard requirements. The cash rate of train is 99.97%, and the on-time rate is 99.80%. The preparatory work of operation is under way, and the train will be put into operation soon.