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                Go into Tianhao


                Shanghai Tianhao industrial Co., LTD. is a professional company engaged in designing, manufacturing, installation, debugging and management of the solid-liquid separation system,with a technical team of research and development ability,which bringing customers the most professional construction service and the top quality assurance.

                Our company mainly trades in manufacturing, engineering, designing, equipment installation and debugging of our “Boein” solid-liquid separation of patent products;our machines widely used in solid-liquid separation industry, such as tunneling,piling,dredging,mining,municipal, chemical and other industries.

                Our company's own research and development design of "Boein" slurry separation system realized the full automatic slurry separation management, which substantial reduction in labor costs and occurrence of human error can making engineering work more efficient and safer. According to the stratigraphy characteristics of the tunnel project and decades of experience of the construction, we can provide customers with the most advanced technical proposal and complete sets of equipment in the international shield industry,truly realizing the slurry zero discharge .

                In the project management part, our professional construction team which have a lot of experience in steel structure, civil engineering, mechanical, electrical and other aspect, and can be reasonable for customers to shorten the project construction period and reduce the construction cost.

                In terms of industrial and mining part, our company designed tailing dry processing equipment can be widely used in coal mine, iron ore and non-ferrous metal tailing processing, truly realizing drained dry storage effect.

                Taiwan "Boein " has been the technology leader in international tunnel slurry separation industry and mining industry, meanwhile "Boein" brand have been granted to use certificates issued by the state administration of industry and commerce, "Boein" will certainly to glow the new vitality!

                Into the Tianhao, we will solve all the problems for you!

                With Boein,we will be good partners to create success!