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                Go into Tianhao


                Shanghai Tianhao industrial Co., LTD. is a professional company engaged in designing, manufacturing, installation, debugging and management of the solid-liquid separation system,with a technical team of research and development ability,which bringing customers the professional construction service and high quality assurance.

                The company's main business: "Boein" separation equipment patented products manufacturing, engineering design and construction, supporting equipment installation and debugging; Widely used in tunnel, foundation pile, dredging, mining, municipal, chemical and other industries solid - liquid separation.

                In terms of sludge and water treatment, the "Boein" sludge and water separation system developed and designed by our company has realized the automatic management of sludge and water treatment, greatly reducing labor cost and human error, making engineering work safer and more efficient. According to the stratigraphic characteristics of each tunnel project and the accumulation of decades of construction experience, the company provides customers with  advanced solutions in the market and advanced  equipments for the international shield industry.

                Domestic project performance:

                Up to now, boyuan mud-water separation equipment has successfully completed the projects of Shenyang Metro Line 2 crossing Hunhe River, Foshan Metro Line Guangzhou-Foshan Guicheng section and Wuhan Metro Line 2 and Line 4 crossing Yangtze River. The sludge treatment project of Guangzhou Metro Line 18, the sludge resource recycling project of Huaqiao in Kunshan, and the sludge treatment project of Nanxun tunnel section of Wuxing-Lin 'an highway really realized zero discharge of sludge treatment and resource recycling. This year, our company won two consecutive projects: the mud-water treatment project of the second bidding section of wuhan Lianghu Tunnel (East Lake Section) and the mud-water treatment project of the sixth block of Shenzhen Urban rail Transit Line 13 (Phase II) North Extension Project. Mud-water shield is expected to be promoted in the second half of the year.

                International project performance:

                1、Shield tunnel sludge and water treatment project at T206 block of tangshen line of Singapore metro (cooperation with Shanghai tunnel share Singapore branch).

                2、Shield tunnel sludge and water treatment project of T216 block (LS1 and LS10) of tongshen line of Singapore metro (cooperation with daewoo engineering construction company of Korea).

                3、 Shield tunnel muddy water treatment project of water intake tunnel of jiangling nuclear power plant, South Korea (cooperation with dong-a geological engineering co., LTD., South Korea).

                4. South Korea Xinqingzhou Cable Tunnel Project (cooperation with South Korea Donga Geological Engineering Co., LTD.).

                In the project management part, our professional construction team which have a lot of experience in steel structure, civil engineering, mechanical, electrical and other aspect, and can be reasonable for customers to shorten the project construction period and reduce the construction cost.

                In terms of industrial and mining part, our company designed tailing dry processing equipment can be widely used in coal mine, iron ore and non-ferrous metal tailing processing, truly realizing drained dry storage effect.

                Into the Tianhao, we will solve all the problems for you!

                With Boein,we will be good partners to create success!