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                Super fine particle recycling machine


                  The tailings of the processing plant can effectively avoid the risks faced by the tailings Depot, and the area is small and the subsequent production cost is low. The tailings that are drained out can be used as building materials to increase the return on investment of the enterprise. The treatment plant is a large water user, and the utilization rate of tailings can reach more than 80 %. The advantage in the area with severe water shortage can obviously reduce the pollution to the environment.

                  Real "tailored" dry row system:

                  1. The professional design team that has accumulated 15 years of experience in mud and water shield engineering has specially planned and designed different mud and water separation systems for users under different stratum structures and construction conditions.

                  2. The main components in the system are all products of world-class brands. Allow the device to operate stably and efficiently in the most stringent environment.

                  3. Experienced engineering team to provide customers with operational maintenance training and immediate and effective solutions.

                  4. The automatic control system is equipped with remote synchronization monitoring, which can provide immediate consultation and problem elimination for remote construction customers.
                  Specially used for tailings dry discharge design, using the high efficiency separation and concentration of the cyclone, with the high-speed dehydration capacity of the dehydrated sieve, to play the following characteristics:
                  The tailings sewage can be treated with large flow, with a maximum single flow of 800 tons per hour.
                     Refractory of fine powder particles up to a minimum of 20 microns(0.020 mm).
                     Low unit investment costs and high returns.
                     High efficiency and low energy consumption.
                     Simple design, convenient and fast maintenance.
                     No need to operate in person.
                    Low loss and low maintenance costs.

                  The water content of the dehydrated tailings particles is extremely low(less than 25 %).

                  Shanghai Tianhao Industrial Co., Ltd. selected imported separation equipment abroad, after many years of foreign use, rich experience, primary and secondary treatment can fully achieve the above effects, and clean water reuse, investment is small, cost-effective, to help you solve the tailings disposal problem ideal choice.