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                Strategic cooperation helps the company take off

                * 来源: * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2021/07/09 9:48:42 * 浏览: 55

                Shanghai Tianhao Industrial Co., Ltd. has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shaanxi Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd. in Xi 'an on July 1, 2021. Both parties agree to give each other the status of strategic partner. Both parties will strengthen cooperation according to their respective professional advantages, technology, management and brand advantages in the business field. The two parties will further improve overall operational efficiency, reduce operating costs and create greater business value through resource sharing, complementary advantages and business innovation.

                With the increasing expansion of the enterprise scale, the market radiation force and market share of the equipment needed for tunnel engineering construction of our company are also expanding in recent years. The production and processing capacity of our company's production base, Boyuan (Xi 'an) Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., needs to be further improved. Shaanxi Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd. has a good complementarity with our company in terms of production resources, technology and equipment. Through friendly negotiation, both sides agree to carry out comprehensive strategic cooperation in the aspects of major project bidding, manufacturing, installation, etc. Both parties agree to provide support for the other party's processing and manufacturing resources and construction resources at a price better than the market price when the other party's production capacity and construction capacity cannot meet the market demand, and both parties shall give priority to the other party's needs. We will carry out all-round cooperation on the technical design, fabrication and installation process, new product research and development of steel structures such as container frame, piping system, light steel, grid frame, industrial heavy steel, etc., and give strong technical support to each other, and share the technical achievements.

                This cooperation will enhance the production and processing capacity of the company, help the sustainable development of the company, and greatly enhance the ability of the company to guarantee the delivery of customer orders.