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                Seamless connection with Shanghai Line 11! Suzhou Rail Transit Line 11 will be put into operation soon

                * 来源: 上海发布 * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2023/05/24 13:48:28 * 浏览: 13

                Suzhou's metro Line 11, which is seamlessly connected to Shanghai's Line 11, has entered the 20-day "map running" phase since May 1, according to the city. At present, everything is normal in the trial operation of train running chart of Line 11, and all indexes meet the standard requirements. The cash rate of train is 99.97%, and the on-time rate is 99.80%. The preparatory work of operation is under way, and the train will be put into operation soon.

                "Running chart" is to arrange simulated running of trains on the whole line according to the train running chart plan before the operation.

                A train chart is a diagram of a train schedule, specifying that trains will operate within a section and arrive, depart, and pass through the station at a certain time.

                Suzhou Railway Line 11, with a total length of 41.25 kilometers and 28 stations, began construction in 2018. It starts at Weiting Station of Suzhou Industrial Park, transfers to Line 3, stops at Huaqiao Station of Kunshan City, and seamlessly connects with Shanghai Line 11. It is the first urban rail transit line in Suzhou, the first metro line running through the whole city in China's county, and the first line connecting with Shanghai rail transit network.

                Opening time: It will be put into operation soon

                Circuit diagram: